For clients who prefer to delegate on-going professional management of their investment portfolio. Financially in Tune implements investment recommendations within portfolios and rebalances as cash flow and market conditions warrant, consistent with each client Investment Policy Statement. Clients also receive on-going financial planning services and assistance with implementing financial planning recommendations.

An annual flat retainer fee is charged and billed quarterly from the accounts. Fees are based on the level of assets under management and complexity of the client’s financial circumstances and are generally less than 1%, paid quarterly. All client funds are held in custodial accounts at either Fidelity Investments or Charles Schwab, Inc. Fees are charged quarterly in advance.

Initial Client Steps

  • A written Investment Policy Statement will be prepared and signed, outlining the asset allocation, anticipated cash additions or withdrawals, and any specific portfolio constraints or requests.
  • Paperwork will be signed for Financially in Tune to actively manage accounts at either Charles Schwab or Fidelity Investments.


  • Clients receive quarterly performance packages from Financially in Tune and statements directly from the custodian (Charles Schwab or Fidelity Investments) usually monthly.
  • Financial Planning is done ongoing as needed
  • Portfolios are rebalanced based on market conditions, cash flow and to maintain alignment with the Investment Policy Statement.
  • Coordination with other financial professionals such as CPAs or estate planning attorneys, as needed.
  • Meetings in person or remotely as needed to review investment portfolios and update financial plans, at least annually.